Proceso Editorial

Editorial Process

Sending manuscripts.

The right to publish by manuscript is the full text of the works in Word format, they must be sent by email ( or through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, after registration as a user.

Evaluation process.

The process begins with the review by the Editorial Committee that reserves the right to reject a manuscript (final and unappealable decision) that presents deficiencies in structure and writing and that does not comply with the thematic areas, the norms of publication and relevant references or Suggest modifications in order to achieve better quality. Accepted papers will be blindly evaluated by two (2) expert referees in the area of ​​knowledge, who will issue a detailed concept on the relevance and scientific and technological attractiveness, the rigorous treatment of the subject, the adjustment to the standards of the journal and his contribution to the development of science, engineering and technology. For no reason will the simultaneous evaluation of more than two manuscripts be allowed by a proposing author.If the concept of the two arbitrators coincides, the Editor-Chief accepts or rejects the manuscript. If it does not match, the concept of a third arbitrator is sought: if it is rejected, the manuscript and the observations of the arbitrators are sent to the authors to consider their publication in another medium. If the manuscript is accepted with minor or major modifications, it and the observations of the arbitrators are sent to the authors so that they send a revised and corrected version in a maximum of 15 days, accompanied by a letter addressed to the Editor-Chief listing in detail the changes made based on the observations of the arbitrators: it will be the Chief Editor who decides on the acceptance of the corrected version. After 15 days, the editor, at its discretion, will treat the manuscript as expired, so it must be submitted again following the indicated process.

The content of the magazine is aimed at researchers, specialists, teachers, professionals and university students in the areas of soil science. Suelos Ecuatoriales Magazine declares its openness to the participation of authors outside the publishing entity.