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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The articles published are original results of scientific and technological research, reflection, revision, short articles, case reports, subject review and translations.
  • The international system of units (SI) and its symbols must be used. In addition, the soil classification system of the "U.S. Soil Taxonomy ”. Other classification systems will be accepted if the respective equivalence is indicated.
  • The magazine is intended to allow the exchange of opinions between the national and international community of Soil Science. Those that promote commercial brands or establish antagonisms with other brands are not accepted. The sender of the article will be the author for future correspondence, for which he must provide the complete address including email and telephone.
  • You must fill in the format (Letter of Originality) with acceptance of submission of the article to the journal by all authors
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the comments to the editor).

Author Guidelines

Purpose and scope

Annually research and review articles written in Spanish, English, Portuguese. It is aimed at researchers, professionals and students of agricultural, forestry, environmental, chemistry, natural sciences, earth sciences, sciences related to soil sciences, land planning, formulation of public policies for occupation, exploitation, maintenance and sustainability of the soil, as well as all the related disciplines that may influence the preservation of this natural asset and its publication has no cost.

Scientific and Technical Research

Articles Document that presents, in detail, the results of original scientific research that represent an original contribution to knowledge in the journal's areas of action. This document is made up of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR (S) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and 10. REFERENCES.

Reflection Articles

Document that presents research results on a specific topic from an analytical, interpretative and critical perspective of the author (s) based on original sources. This document is composed of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR ( ES) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6.MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9.THANKS AND 10. REFERENCES.

Review article (Review)

Its publication will be the product of the invitation to researchers recognized in areas of the journal's field of action. It corresponds to an analytical and critical review of literature on a field in science or technology in which the results of published research are analyzed, systematized and integrated to show scientific advances and development trends, plus the contributions of the proponents. This document is made up of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR (S) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and 10. REFERENCES.

Short Article Brief

Document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological investigation, which generally require prompt dissemination. This document is made up of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR (S) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and 10. REFERENCES.

Case report article

Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in the sector, in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences that constitute a contribution to development, which includes a commented systematic review of the literature on similar cases . This document is made up of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR (S) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and 10. REFERENCES.

Topic Review Article

Product of the invitation to recognized researchers in areas of the journal's field of action. It corresponds to an analytical and critical review of literature on a field in science or technology in which the results of published research are analyzed, systematized and integrated to show scientific advances and development trends, plus the contributions of the proponents. This document is made up of: 1. MANUSCRIPT TITLE 2. AUTHOR (S) 3. SUMMARY 4. ABSTRACT 5.INTRODUCTION, 6. MATERIALS AND METHODS, 7. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 8. CONCLUIONS 9. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and 10. REFERENCES.


It must be fully justified by the impact that will be achieved in the speaking community of the language that is being translated and be faithful to the content and sections of the original content, indicating the reference of the original document.


The parts that make up the document are (SHIPPING EXAMPLE):

TITLE: It must be brief (maximum 20 words), concise and reflect specific aspects of the work. It is recommended not to use abbreviations, taxonomic names of organisms, chemical formulas or the detailed classification of the soil. AUTHOR (S): name (s) and first surname and the address of the Institution to which it belongs will be included. Indicate the corresponding author and ORCID code. SUMMARY: it is a condensation of the essential ideas of the results of the work. The summary should clearly relate the objective, main method, results and conclusions. Information given in the title will not be repeated, nor will it relate to references. Its length will not exceed 250 words. After the abstract, five keywords other than those used in the title will be included.

ABSTRACT: It is the previous abstract in English, preceded by the translation of the title and at the end the Keywords. Authors who do not speak English are recommended to obtain adequate advice to make a good translation of the abstract.

INTRODUCTION: The problem, the justification and at the end the objective of the work should be briefly described. The text should be in a concise and easily understandable style. Scientific names must be written in italics. To cite works in the text, the last name of the author (s) will be indicated in lower case and year of publication in parentheses (Johnson & Smith 2009). If it refers to works carried out by more than two authors, the last name of the first should be placed, followed by the abbreviations "et al." (Anderson et al. 2008). Formulas should be written clearly, pay attention to Greek letters or any other non-Latin symbols. Be careful to differentiate the zero (0) from the letter o and between one (1) and the letter “ele”. 

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The methods used should be described in sufficient detail to allow another researcher to repeat the work; however, the technical descriptions of the methods will only be detailed when they represent a modification or novelty. It is necessary to give the meaning of all symbols immediately below the equation in which they were first used. Only those equations that are explicitly indicated in the text should be numbered serially, placing a number in parentheses on the right side. Footnotes should be used only where necessary and numbered indicating them by numbers written a little higher in the text, trying to keep them as short as possible. If references are made in them, the complete data will appear in the list of references.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results obtained and the discussion of the same in relation to other works should be described. Present the results of the statistical analyzes to support the findings, include the level of significance (P). Tables: Tables should not exceed the printed area of ​​a letter-size page. If the data are numerous, it is convenient to distribute them in two or more tables. Do not make excessive use of tables when information can be given in a few lines in the text. Do not repeat the content of the tables in the text. They should be numbered according to their position in the text, which should include references to them. The title of each table will be short and explanatory enough. The column headings will be concise and clear. Figures: includes graphics, diagrams, maps, photos, etc .; All figures will be presented within the text, accompanied by a title and brief explanation. They should be numbered according to their location in the text. Photographs must be in JPG or PNG format, they will be accepted if they have good contrast and intensity. The same information should not be repeated in tables and figures.

CONCLUSIONS: They are described clearly and precisely, derived from the analysis of the results and based on the objectives set.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: The acknowledgments to the entities and people who collaborated in

REFERENCES:All bibliographic references cited in must be submitted at the end of the manuscript at least 20, an author who has not been placed in the text must never be referenced, at least 50% of the references must be from the last 5 years and must correspond to scientific research articles on the subject dealt with in the writing. At least 50% of the references must have DOI in link format (https://doi.org/10.47864/SE(50)2020p31-39_123) that allows direct access to the document with one click. A maximum of 10% gray literature and self-citation are accepted if required. References of accepted works for publication are accepted, specifying the name of the journal according to the expression "in press / in press" or with its corresponding DOI. The bibliographic list must be presented in alphabetical order of the authors' surnames and chronologically by author, differentiating with lowercase letters, after the year, those that correspond to the same year. Consider the following examples:

Scientific article with DOI: Gutiérrez , N., & Restrepo, F. (2019). EVALUACIÓN DE CORRECTIVOS DE ACIDEZ EN UN ANDISOL CULTIVADO CON AGUACATE “HASS”. Suelos Ecuatoriales, 49(1 y 2), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.47864/SE(49)2019p38-44_103

Scientific article without doi : Gutiérrez , N., & Restrepo, F. (2019). EVALUACIÓN DE CORRECTIVOS DE ACIDEZ EN UN ANDISOL CULTIVADO CON AGUACATE “HASS”. Suelos Ecuatoriales, 49(1 y 2), 38-44. 

- For books: ZINCK J (2013) Geopedology. Elements of geomorphology for soil and geohazardstudies. ITCSpecial Lecture Notes Series.

- For symposia, congresos, capítulos de libro de varios autores: RESTREPO L, ÁLVAREZ D, OSORIO S (2004) Remediación de suelos salinos en la alta Guajira, 34-45 pp. En: ZAPATA R, CABRERA K (ed) Estrategias de remediación de suelos degradados. Soc. Col Ci Suelo, Bogotá.

How to submit an article

Privacy Statement


Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL http://unicauca.edu.co/revistas/index.php/suelos_ecuatoriales
Title Suelos Ecuatoriales
Publisher Sociedad Colombiana de la Ciencia del Suelo
ISSN 2665-6558 (En Linea) 0562-5351 (Impreso)
Language(s) Español (España) (es_ES)
Publisher Email ehperez@unicauca.edu.co


Copyright notice

The articles that appear in the journal are the sole responsibility of the author (s) and do not necessarily reflect the thinking of the Editorial Committee. The authors maintain the rights to the articles and are therefore free to share, copy, distribute the material in any medium or format under the terms of the Creative Commons License . Creative Commons License Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.