Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement


Anti-Plagiarism -

The Suelos Ecuatoriales Magazine sanctions plagiarism and fraudulent data in the documents submitted for publication, likewise, the authors are requested that the article cannot be submitted to another journal until the Equatorial Soils committee has not given a response, it also sanctions any other inappropriate use that alters the integrity of the information. The sanction corresponds to the non-publication of articles by the same authors for a period of 2 years.

Anti-plagiarism Tool

The SUELOS ECUATORIALES Magazine, the veracity of the productions of our Authors is checked through the Urkund anti-plagiarism program, which is an automated learning text recognition system designed to detect, prevent and manage plagiarism

What Is Not Plagiarism or Self-Plagiarism?

  1. Effective communication in science requires clear and precise descriptions, often involving technical words and phrases. Duplication of words and phrases from other source material amounting to less than a sentence shall not be construed as plagiarism, in general.
  2. Directly quoted material surrounded by quotation marks or indented as block quotes and cited to the original source is not considered plagiarism. There are some circumstances in which the use of quotations, particularly lengthy ones, may require permission from a copyright proprietor. Direct quotation and acknowledgement of the source may avoid claims of plagiarism, but copyright issues should be considered separately.
  3. Duplication of text from a non-peer-reviewed source, provided that it was written by one of the authors (e.g., most conference preprints, project progress reports, personal or project websites, dissertations), will not constitute plagiarism, in general. (However, permission from a copyright proprietor may still be required.) In such cases, authors should disclose the prior informal publication of this work either as a citation in the text or as a mention in the acknowledgements if the past work is not publicly available.

What Is Plagiarism?

Excluding items discussed above, duplication of unquoted text (even if cited)—even if the similar text includes changed verb tense, different numerical values, and the use of synonyms, for example—is generally considered to be plagiarism and is unacceptable within AMS journals.

What Is Self-Plagiarism?

Self-plagiarism occurs when substantial amounts of text previously published by the same author are used without citation and without indicating it is a quotation. To avoid self-plagiarism, sections containing duplicate or similar text must (i) appropriately cite the original source to promote the primacy of the source and (ii) indicate that the text largely follows directly from that source [e.g., “The description of the dataset parallels that of Smith et al. (1980) as follows in the next two paragraphs.” or “The methods are the same as employed in Smith et al. (2008), and the following text is derived from there with minor modifications.”]. Editors will determine the acceptability of such cases of duplicate or similar text and may provide guidance about how to avoid self-plagiarism.

Consequences of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism

How AMS Editors handle such instances is left to their discretion. Severe cases may result in outright rejection of the manuscript with no chance for resubmission. Other actions may be taken as well. Minor cases may be pointed out to the author in the initial decision letter with the requirement that revisions be made.

Sources for Best Practices

Authors are encouraged to examine the reference material that was used in the construction of AMS policy regarding plagiarism.

Clark, R., cited 2014: Self-plagiarism and self-citation: A practical guide based on underlying principles.

COPE, cited 2014: Committee on Publication Ethics.

Dooley, J. J., 2013: A note on good research practiceInt. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, 15, 1–2, doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2013.02.003.

Masic, I., 2012: Plagiarism in scientific publishingActa Inf. Med., 20, 208–213, doi:10.5455/aim.2012.20.208-213.

Roig, M., 2006: Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and other questionable writing practices: A guide to ethical writing.

Spinak, E., cited 2014: Ethical editing practices and the problem of self-plagiarism.

Copyright notice

Suelos Ecuatoriales magazine grants rights of use to others through an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent) that allows immediate free access to the work and allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute and print. , search or link to the full texts of the articles, track them to index them, pass them as data to the software or use them for any other legal purpose.

Suelos Ecuatoriales magazine is distributed under an international licence Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObrasDerivadas 4.0.


Equatorial Soils is a scientific journal whose content is reviewed by national and international scientific peer-review evaluators which, since 2016,is published annually in two volumes. Currently, the journal is edited by the Colombian Soil Science Society (SCCS), which is affiliated with the International Soil Science Union and the Latin American Soil Science Society. The magazine is aimed at researchers, professionals and students of agricultural, forestry, environmental, chemical, natural sciences, earth sciences, related sciences with soil sciences, territory planning, formulation of public policies for occupation, exploitation, soil maintenance and sustainability, as well as all related disciplines that may affect the preservation of this natural good. The published articles are original results of scientific and technological research, reflection, review, short articles, case reports, topic review and translations. It is intended with the magazine to allow the exchange of opinions between the national and international community of Soil Science. Manuscripts are received in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese, with emphasis, but not exclusive, on soils of the tropical area that follow the indications established in the “Instructions to authors”. If they meet these standards, the manuscripts will be submitted for evaluation by anonymous academic peers chosen by the editorial board of the journal according to their specialty. Manuscripts can be rejected for publication or they can be accepted for publication with or without modifications, which must be made by the authors in a period of time established by the editor. The editorial committee reserves the right to accept or not the collaborations. The magazine is published with funds from the SCCS, which is a non-profit entity with legal status before the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. This magazine can be purchased at the SCCS office; SCCS active members automatically receive this publication by subscription. It can also be consulted in the specialized libraries and newspaper archives of the country where it is sent.The concepts issued by the authors are of their strict responsibility and their publication does not imply endorsement by the magazine or the Colombian Society of Soil Science for their opinions.

Peer Review Process

The process begins with the review by the Editorial Committee that reserves the right to reject a manuscript (a final and unappeasable decision) that presents deficiencies in structure and writing and that does not comply with the thematic areas, norms of publication and relevant references or suggest modifications in order to achieve better quality. Accepted papers will be blindly evaluated by two (2) (Referees External) expert referees in the area of knowledge, who will issue a detailed concept on the pertinence and scientific and technological attractiveness, the rigorous treatment of the subject, the adjustment to the norms of the journal and its contribution to the development of science, engineering and technology. In no case will the simultaneous evaluation of more than two manuscripts by a proposing author be permitted.

If the concept of the two arbitrators coincides, the Chief-Editor accepts or rejects the manuscript. If it does not agree, the concept of a third referee is sought: if rejected, the manuscript and the referees' observations are sent to the authors to consider their publication in another medium. If the manuscript is accepted with minor or major modifications, it and the referees' observations are forwarded to the authors to forward a revised and corrected version of a maximum of 15 days, accompanied by a letter addressed to the Chief-Editor detailing the changes Based on the observations of the referees: it will be the Chief-Editor who decides on the acceptance of the corrected version. After 15 days, the editor will, at his discretion, treat the manuscript as expired, so it must be submitted again following the indicated process.

This journal provides

immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Indexes / summaries.

The Equatorial Soils Magazine is indexed in TROPAG, AGRIS, Soil and Fertilizer Abstracts, PUBLINDEX, CIAT and ICA indexes.

Sending of manuscripts.

The right of publication by manuscript is the full text of the works in Word format, must be sent by email ( or through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform, after User registration.


Open access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Ethical standards

The authors are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce or copy material from other Sources. Material received without citing its source is assumed as the author's original. The use of ideas or words in their original form or with small changes without proper citation is considered plagiarism. In the event of quoting text words from another author, they must be in quotes (“”).

Publication frequency

Suelos Ecuatoriales magazine uses an annual publication frequency, that is, one volume per year.

1) The volume runs from January to December.

The volume is opened in January and published in December.

Letter of support

Authors should send a letter of support to the editor of the journal together with the manuscript, explaining the reasons why it was sent to the journal and three potential reviewers with the information of: full name, surname, level of studies, title, position, institution, address, city, telephone, email, lines of research and specialty. Additional information for the editor can be included in this letter.

Processing charges (APCs)?

The journal has no article processing fees (APC).

Article submission charges?

The journal has no article submission changes.


Suelos Ecuatoriales is the journal of the Soil Science Society of Colombia (ISSN 0562-5351 On line 2665-6558). This publication was founded in 1956 and is published once a year, in Spanish, English or Portuguese, based on full length original research papers containing new and significant information bearing on broad aspects of soil sciences at both regional and international level. Review articles are accepted if solicited by the Editorial Board. In all cases, manuscripts submitted for publication will be subject to the same review process required of regular submissions.

Manuscripts must be based on original research and contain novel findings of significance, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil science studies dealing with environmental science, ecology, agriculture, bioscience, geoscience, forestry, etc. Suelos Ecuatoriales also publishes reviews, mini reviews, short communications and special issues; and its areas of particular interest include soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology and biochemistry, biogeochemical fluxes; geoecology; geoarcheology; taxonomy; carbon fluxes and fixation, soil fertility and plant nutrition, soil resources and use, soil mineralogy, soil environment and ecology, the soil and its relation with the sociology and the economy of the regions, soil and water conservation, wetland soils, soil salinity and management, soil and plant analysis and technology, soil gases and global change, science related to soil science, land planning, formulation of public policies for the occupation, maintenance and sustainability of the soil, as well as all related disciplines that may affect the preservation of this natural resource.

Authors are responsible for submitting well-written manuscripts, in simple declarative sentences and must conform to accepted standards, style and usage of the language. Contributors who are not native English speakers are strongly advised, prior to submission, to ensure that a colleague fluent in the English language, if none of the authors is so, has reviewed their manuscript. Concise English without jargon should be used. Repetitive use of long sentences and passive tense should be avoided. It is strongly recommended that the text be run through computer spelling and grammar programs. Spelling should be British or American English and should be consistent throughout. Manuscripts may be rejected without paper review by the editor-in-chief if they do not comply with the instructions to authors, or are beyond the scope of the journal.

Indexing/abstracting: Suelos Ecuatoriales is indexed/abstracted in PUBLINDEX of COLCIENCIAS, LATINDEX and REDIB. Ethical issues: authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. The use of someone else’s ideas or words in their original form or after changing slightly without a proper citation is considered plagiarism. Even cited properly, if words taken directly from another author’s work are not indicated with quotation marks (“ ”), the author is still guilty of plagiarism.

Cover letter: authors are requested to submit a cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief with their manuscript, outlining their reasons for submitting their manuscript to Suelos Ecuatoriales and three recommended reviewers’ information: first name, middle name, last name, education, title and position, institution, full postal address, country, telephone, e-mail, research fields and specialties (best as key words). Any other information for the Editor-in-Chief should also be included in this letter.


The Equatorial Soils Journal is committed to the dissemination of soil science research results that contribute to the development of the south-western region of Colombia and the country, with the capacity to respond to a globalized world.


To become a scientific reference point at a national and international level in which serious and in-depth research is disseminated on issues related to the soil science sector.


Publication redundant or concurrent.

The texts must be original, of their own authorship and should not be modified texts of an already published research.

The presentation of the same manuscript to more than one magazine at the same time constitutes unethical behavior and publication is unacceptable. Authors should not submit a previously published article to the consideration of another journal, nor an article that is in the process of being evaluated in another publication.

Authors may request the withdrawal of an article from the journal, if it has not yet been published, stating the reasons for the request, which leaves them free to submit it to another journal once they have received a positive response from the editor of the journal and the editorial committee.

Authors of the document. Authors must be those who have contributed significantly to the conception of the idea, theoretical discussion, systematization of the state of the art, design, execution, analysis of results and writing of the text. Therefore, all persons named as authors must meet the requirements of authorship and must be mentioned explicitly.

Those who have made significant contributions or contributions should be named in the acknowledgments or appear as collaborators. The lead author must ensure that all co-authors have viewed and approved the final version of the document and have agreed to submit it for publication.


Cover letter: authors are requested to send a cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief with their manuscript, explaining the reasons for submitting their manuscript to Soil Equatorial. Any other information for the Editor-in-Chief should also be included in this letter.

More Infortmation about publication ethics and publication malpractice statement