Mathematics Education Program
The Degree Program in Mathematics Education is part of the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences and Education at the University of Cauca.
Degree title: Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Education.
Schedule: Day classes.
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Ten (10) semesters.
Admission: Semiannual.
Code SNIES: 229
Contact information:
Program in Mathematics Education
Edificio de Matemáticas. Sede Antiguo Liceo
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2370 - 2364
Fax: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2306
Office of Admission and Registration
Carrera 2 A Nº 3N-111.
Sector Tulcán.
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2179 ó 2191.
Fax: +57 2 8209824 ext. 2198.