Engineering Physics
The Engineering Physics Program belongs to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Exact, and Education at the University of Cauca, and was created by Agreement No 024 of June 20, 1995, issued by the Supreme Council. Like all engineering, is a profession in which knowledge of natural science, and especially physics, mathematics, and technological developments are applied in order to take advantage, in a rational, economic, and sustainable way, the materials, resources, and energy present in nature, to the growth and prosperity of mankind. The Program of Physics Engineering already exists, with this name, for a few decades in several of the most renowned universities in countries such as U.S., Canada, Russia, Germany, and Australia. In Latin America is found in Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Brazil.
The program of the University of Cauca was the first in Colombia, but today is also in the National University (Medellin and Manizales) and the Technological University of Pereira, and EAFIT in Medellin.
Degree: Physics Engineer
Schedule: Day classes.
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Ten (10) semesters.
Admission: Semiannual.
Code SNIES: 3636
Contact information:
Physics Engineering Program
Lab Building, sector Tulcán.
Suit Nº 201 (Second piso).
Carrera 3 No. 3N-100
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2396.
Office of Admission and Registration
Carrera 2 A Nº 3N-111.
Sector Tulcán.
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2179 ó 2191.
Fax: +57 2 8209824 ext. 2198.