Degree in Basic Education with emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports
The Degree Program in basic Education with emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports belongs to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Exact, and Education at the University of Cauca, and was created by agreement No 013 of February 23, 1999, issued by the Supreme Council. The program is set within a context of Physical Education towards the formation of integrity human beings, to be recognized as cultural subjects, committed to the transformation of their reality and learn to interact collectively. The Bachelor of Basic Education with emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports is based on the humanistic pedagogical models, favoring human movement, health, and education as their founding disciplines.
By Resolution 1761 of June 28, 2000, issued by the Ministry of Education, this program received prior accreditation. It was incorporated into the National System of Higher Education (SNIES) on July 6, 2001.
Degree: Bachelor's Degree in Basic Education with emphasis on Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports
Schedule: Day classes.
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Ten (10) semesters.
Admission: Annual.
Code SNIES: 12101
Contact information:
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Exact and EducationSector Tulcán
Carrera 2 A No 3N - 111.
Physical Education, recreation and sports Department.
Oficina Nº 109 (primer piso).
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2359.
Office of Admission and Registration
Carrera 2 A Nº 3N-111.
Sector Tulcán.
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2179 ó 2191.
Fax: +57 2 8209824 ext. 2198.