Biology Program
The Biology Program belongs to the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Exact and Education at the University of Cauca and was created in 1994. Originally this program was the advanced teaching degree in Biology, which was created in 1972. By resolution 778 of March 9, 2005, issued by the Ministry of National Education and registered with the National Higher Education Information (SNIES), was given the qualified registration to this program at the University of Cauca.
Degree title: Biologist
Schedule: Day classes.
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Ten (10) semesters.
Admission: Semiannual.
Code SNIES: 3048
Contact information:
Office of Admission and Registration
Carrera 2 A Nº 3N-111.
Sector Tulcán.
Popayan - Colombia
Phone Number: +57 2 8209800 ext. 2179 ó 2191.
Fax: +57 2 8209824 ext. 2198.