Specialization in Auditing and Quality Assurance of Health with Emphasis on Epidemiology
The Specialization in Auditing and Quality Assurance of Health with Emphasis on Epidemiology, began through an agreement between the University of Cauca and the University EAN of Bogota, on June 22, 2004. This academic program focuses on the training of professionals of integrity who are able to interpret the complexity of the processes of Social Security Institutions in Health.
Professional Profile
The Specialist in Auditing and Quality Assurance of Health with Emphasis on Epidemiology will be able to:
• Mentoring Auditing programs and Assurance in Health.
• Ensure the preservation of the rights of patients.
• Know the process of empowerment of health institutions in Colombia.
• Understand accreditation in national and international health.
• Strategically manage health expenditure, applying the model of quality assurance, preserving the rights of patients.
Occupational Profile
Graduates of the program will have the following benefits:
• Use the best scientific, administrative, and financial tools to the continuous improvement of health institutions.
Degree: Auditing and Quality Assurance of Health with Emphasis on Epidemiology.
Place where it is offered: Popayan.
Schedule: Day and evening classes.
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Two (2) Semester.
Admission: Annual.
Code SNIES: 13512.
Register: Resolution 1609 of April, 2008
For more information please contact
Office of Graduate Studies
Faculty of Health Sciences
Carrera 6 Nº 13N-50 de Popayán, de La Estancia.
Tel: 8209800 ext. 2712 ó 2701.
Email: posgradoensalud@unicauca.edu.co
Service Hours: Tues to Firday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m. and from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Saturday from 8:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.