Ph.D. in Telematic Engineering
The program deals with the study and research of advanced planning, design, operation, construction, maintenance, and adaptation of telematics systems. Its graduates are in the ability to play a major role in the processes of adaptation and assimilation of telematics systems and services in the national production. The graduates can make original and meaningful contributions to the advancement of science or technology leading research processes and developing new services. With the commissioning of the doctorate, it is to consolidate what has been making the Telematic Engineering Group of the University of Cauca, which has been focused on the development, adaptation, and use of Information Technology and Communication (ITC) in solving problems with high regional and national relevance, forming new generations of researchers.
The program is organized in two cycles: - The first cycle is defined as a Master of Research, in other words, in accordance with Decree 1001 of 2006, aims to develop skills enabling active participation in research processes that generate new knowledge or technological processes. –The second cycle of the Program, called “Doctoral Training”, aims to deepen the skills acquired by students in the first cycle to achieve their training as researchers to perform autonomously and focus on academic and research processes in the area of “Engineering Telematic Systems”.
The area of global knowledge is Engineering and the particular area is Telematic. The program has been designed keeping in mind the national and institutional policy on the matter such as: • Law 30, 1992 • Decrees 2566, 2003 and 1001, 2006 • Agreement 035, 1992 issued by the Supreme Council of the University of Cauca • Resolution 003, 2001 from the Vice-rectory of Research of the University of Cauca.
Graduate Profile
Graduates of the Program will have an academic background with relevant qualification and a level of international competition in the field of telematic systems. Also, they will have a vision of the development trends of information and communication technologies and a global understanding of the technical, economic, social, and political assimilation and use of these technologies in Colombia. They will count on methodological tools necessary for use and implementation of solutions to the needs of society and with scientific expertise of a high-level academic researcher to enable them to continue to make significant and original contributions to the advancement of science and/or technology.
The graduated from the Program has a highly successful development in the following academic competences: • learning effectively to create, to take/to do, (in other words, having outstanding skills in learning, creating, and doing).
Systematically undertake strategic planning, technological monitoring and methodological and scientific forecasting.
Synthesize relevant scientific and technological knowledge to support the solution of problems in society related to Telematics Engineering
Formulate proposals and research projects and appropriate technology development projects (relevant, effective, and consistent). Produce results of some significance in terms of publications and innovation products. – Communicate ideas and experiences successfully, relate interpersonally in a productive way and persuade. • Successfully communicate with the international community in the English language.
Degree title: Doctor in Telematics
Program Coordinator: Alvaro Rendon Gallon
Schedule: Day classes
Modality: The classes are held in a classroom setting.
Duration: Ten (10) Semestres.
Code SNIES: 53918.
For more information please contact:
Office of Graduate Studies
Tel: +57 2 820 99 00 ext. 1205 - 1206 - 1207 - 1309 – 1340
Fax: +57 2820 9800 Ext 2275
Address: Calle 4 # 3 - 73
Popayán- Colombia